As reported in a study in year 2018, Singapore generates about 60,000 tonnes of e-waste annually. This is equivalent to each individual Singaporeans getting rid of 73 mobile phones every year. With greater spending power and the ever-changing technologies around us, this number is expected to increase over time.
What is E-Waste?
E-Waste does not only refer to disposed IT equipment. In fact, it refers to electrical/electronic equipment that has been disposed of. This includes any equipment powered by the electrical source (power socket/ batteries) to electronics and appliances. Mostly made up of a few materials such as metal, plastic, heavy metals, and other substances, it is confusing to generalize e-waste into specific material category. Here are some examples of e-waste:
- Regulated e-waste
Mobile devices, consumer lamps (bulb/ fluorescent tube), printers, PCs, notebooks, tablets, TVs, cables, adapters, Electrical mobility devices, household batteries, power banks and more.
- Non-regulated e-waste
Electrical fan, food processors, oven, microwave, digital watch, thermometers, Cameras, gaming consoles, electrical tooth brush, hairdryers and more.
Since July 2021, Singapore has set up various e-waste collection drives for Singaporeans to take part in the e-waste recycling program.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Scheme for E-Waste
A regulated e-waste management system which started in July 2021. The producers bear responsibility in collecting and treatment of the products when they get to the end-of-life. Currently, ALBA E-waste Smart Recycling Pte Ltd (ALBA) is appointed as the PRS (Producer Responsibility Scheme) operator, from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026, and will be collecting regulated e-waste across Singapore for proper recycling procedures on behalf of the producers during this 5 years period.
ALBA has implemented e-waste recycling bins all across Singapore. They can be seen in public spaces such as town centres, government offices, Residents’ Committee Centres, supermarkets and shopping malls. They have also set up collection drives held in residential areas every quarter for residents to drop off their e-waste as well.
Those who have multiple items may consider the doorstep collection service provided by ALBA at a fee or, to drop it off at ALBA’s depot. (Click here for more details on doorstep collection service & drop off)
Virogreen NECDC E-waste Recycling Programme for Non-regulated E-waste
An e-waste recycling programme for non-regulated e-waste, located at North East CDC region. This programme is organised by Virogreen (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Strictly for non-regulated e-waste, and devices that can fit through the bin’s opening (450mm x 150mm). Bulky e-waste that cannot be fit into these bins are not to be placed outside the bins.
Click here for the list of locations of these e-waste bins.
Project Homecoming- Ink & Toner Cartridges Recycling Programme
Supported by TES, NLB (Nationl Library Board) and NEA, and led by Epson and Canon, this is Singapore’s first joint printer brand ink and toner cartridges recycling programme. Meant for all ink and toner cartridges of all brand and models.
Click here to refer to the website for more details.