Steps to power off
1. Discuss with NucleoConsulting on a time for them to take control to shut down the NAS remotely.
2. Wait for the lights on the NAS to turn off.

3. Turn off the electricity from the wall socket for the NAS, Switch and Router.

Steps to power on
1. Turn on the electricity from the wall socket for the Router, then for the Switch, then for the NAS.

2. Ensure that the router and switch is turned on before proceeding to step 33. Press the power button on the NAS and wait for it the light to turn blue in colour. Once the blue light is stops blinking, the NAS is turned on.

Nucleo Consulting Pte Ltd
ROC: 201214085K
1 Claymore Drive #02-03 Singapore 229594
Support: +65 6911 0533 (Option 1) / Office: +65 6911 0533 (Option 2)
Network Attached Storage | shut-down Synology | start-up