[4 mins read]
In the era of ever-changing technology, every user connected to the internet would have at least 1 email account. No matter for work or leisure, an email account is usually the first account you are required to have when signing up for any other online account. Going green or paperless is also impossible without having an email account. Take a good look at your mailboxes and imagine what it will be like if your email account gets compromised. Be it personal or work emails, the cybersecurity of your email systems should not be overlooked.
Email Security
Emails- One of the main communicating tools used in businesses. It can be used to communicate, share details and information, and can be used easily across many types of devices. It usually contains sensitive information like your bank/ credit card statements, contracts or agreements with your clients, shipping/ delivery details of your online purchases, or even details of your clients or other individuals in your mailbox.
Email security refers to the solutions and protection against email-borne cyber threats such as phishing emails, impersonation, viruses, malware, ransomware, and other email threats. A research by Check Point showed that 1 in every 415 URLs in emails are malicious links, 1 in every 239 attachments in emails are malicious, and on top of that, 81% of malicious files were distributed via emails!
Here are 3 security tips to ensure a safe & clean email system for your business:

1. Email Security Solution
Yes, there are security solutions to prevent email-borne cyber-attacks!
Have you been receiving spam and suspicious emails? Are you a hundred percent confident that no one in your company would click on suspicious URLs? Which links are safe and which links are not?
As shared above, a huge percentage of malicious files, links, or attachments were distributed via emails. The truth is that the techniques used by cybercriminals to develop these threats have also been improving rapidly. What seems to be a safe email from a client may not be as innocent as it seemed, even if it is sent from someone you trust.

Green Radar’s grMailTM is a next-generation cloud-based email security solution, that provides comprehensive, multi-layered email security solutions with a proprietary artificial intelligence engine to protect your business against bulk spams, viruses, malware, spoofing emails, phishing emails, CEO fraud, and other email-borne cyber threats.
Don’t let one email attack ruin the reputation you’ve built over the years!
2. Cybersecurity Awareness Training
It only takes a wrong click to compromise your business’ email system. Your employees are your first line of cyber defense, but also the weakest link. No matter what you have implemented, ensuring all your employees are well trained and equipped with cybersecurity knowledge is crucial.

Nucleo Consulting’s Online Cyber Essentials e-Training provides users with essential cybersecurity knowledge so that your employees can prevent and stop suspicious activities when they see one. This course can be accessed anytime, anywhere, across various devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PCs/ Laptops. The modules are interactive, user-friendly, and come with knowledge assessments to let users know what they need to take note of. Users will get a certification of completion after completing all the modules. Launch a phishing attack on specific departments to see how your employees respond to phishing attacks!
Contact us to find out more!
3. T.M.R (Testing, Monitoring & Reporting)
Test your cyber security systems and your employees’ knowledge on cybersecurity awareness so that you know where to focus on. Ensuring all employees know what to do when they face a cyber threat is crucial to keeping cyber threats at bay. Monitor/ keeping an eye out for any suspicious activities or potential data leakage is important to secure your company’s sensitive information and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands!
Most importantly, ensure that all your employees know who and where to report to when they spot a cyber threat. Be it an in-house IT team or outsourced IT support, it is important to let employees know that they can seek professional advice/help if they come across anything suspicious and don’t wait for the damages to spread like wildfire!
Often, many businesses still think that antivirus software is sufficient to protect its users from all the cyber threats. As we have highlighted before, there is no silver bullet in cybersecurity. The very basics of your cyber safety rely on the knowledge and cybersecurity awareness of you and your employees. Emails, being the main communication tool for organizations, are also one of the main tools for distributing cyber threats, thus, the security of your email systems should not be overlooked. Cybersecurity is no longer an option, it has become a necessity.
Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG grant)
Eligible SMEs will be able to tap on the PSG Grant and get 70% subsidy* on the Email Security with Cyber Essentials Online Training solution (point 1 & 2 above).
(*Customer’s PSG Grant entitlement subjected to Business Grant approval.)
Nucleo Consulting is offering a free cyber hygiene analysis for all SMEs, to help businesses understand what is needed for them to stay cyber safe and protect against cyber threats. Let us help you with your cybersecurity so that you can focus on your business!
Cyber Safety | Email Security | IT Tips | PSG Grant | Productivity Solutions Grant | Importance of Cyber Security